Monday, August 4, 2008


at last.. i remembered that i actually do have a blog... haha.. how sad can i be.. well truthfully.. someone reminded me painfully though.. so umm lets see... what new.. o many to list that i should just number it..

updates in my boring yet 'interesting' life..

1. im lookin for a very old game (age of mythology) cant seem to find it anywhere... cwap!

2. am an apprentice for a childrens camp.. 2 camps actually..

3. we ( me and my kentut clan) 'planned' to dip bananas in beers for the monkeys in the
jungle when we go for the camp..just imagine.. they are swinging and the next moment boom..

4. been painting my cousins apartment with him.. in the end it was successful with me ending up
with a very painful wrist and my cousin with a smiley face on the pack of his pants..*ahem*
trying not to laugh here.

5. mom made noise cause i kinda got my dad hooked on to 'torchwood'.. she was like 'because of
you la he didint get out of his 'study' the whole weekend'.. and then i like orang bodoh tersilap
reply.. 'not my fault la you cant attract papa out of the room'.. haha my mom was like 'shut
up'.. besides its not like it would be any different on 'normal' weekends.. my dad would be like
in front of the tv watching all the dvds and movies/series he records on the astro max..

6. mom called today to show off that she got her 'own' pc.. with aa huge ass monitor.. kentut la..
plus that wasnt enough cause she had to rub it in saying the desktop i chose and ordered
arrived and its 'cun'.. how many of your moms use that word.. parents sound like kids when
they are trying to show off..

7. continuation from number 4.. (did you like gaze back to number 4?) so anyways went for
futsal yesterday and ended up being the keeper with me being so smart.. got my ass kicked..
was late like for 45 minutes.. my 'team' members were so mad that they started shootin at
me.. i was like playinig dodgeball until one shot hit me in the ass.. haha.. thank god for the
cushioning.. well my wrist is a bit more worse now.. lol.. 2morrow's bike ride will test its

8. been trying to reach my so called 2 'sisters' M & P.. hope they are okay.. message me when
you see this..

9. need to get more of those hawaiian shorts thingy's for the camp.. only have 3.. : ( does
anyone know where to get them in k.l??

10. well if this was even a bit entertainin.. comment.. or you wont get any.. haha..

see ya soon.. :-) take care peepoll..

p.s--> doink.. kadoinks


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